Welcome to the Institute for Money, Technology & Financial Inclusion (IMTFI). Established in 2008, the Institute is housed in the 云梯子 at the University of California, Irvine. It is a leading research center on the consumer side of financial technology--everything from mobile money to AI-driven alternative credit scoring. We focus on the everyday use and implications of these new technologies: how people engage, refuse, modify, hack, and share them, and how they in turn influence people's understandings of money, value, justice, even faith. Read on here.


  • 2024 CONSUMER FINANCE RESEARCH METHODS TOOLKIT by Erin B. Taylor and Gawain Lynch.
  • The IMTFI Edited Collection: MONEY AT THE MARGINS: Global Perspectives on Technology, Financial Inclusion and Design edited by Bill Maurer, Smoki Musaraj, and Ivan Small. Introduction available online.



© 木瓜云梯子School of Social Sciences - 3151 Social Sciences Plaza, Irvine, CA 92697-5100 - 949.824.2766

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